There are a number of ways to secure funding for your club. Once you have appointed your Treasurer, they will be invited to a Treasurer training by the SA.


Here are the most common ways a club secures funding:

Coin vote

The coin vote is an important source of funds for clubs. The vote takes place every year and allows students to have a say in the financial resources clubs receive. Based on the vote, the SA will allocate funding to the various clubs at the start of the new school year. This is how most clubs are funded.

Please keep in mind that clubs with a balance > GBP 15,000, as of April 30th, will be excluded from the coin vote, unless they are able to demonstrate that the balance is inflated due to unrealized costs for past events or unrealized revenues from upcoming ones. 

Ticket sales / subscription

Clubs can sell tickets or collect subscription fees to cover event fees or to support club activities

Club sponsorship

Each club can find sponsors and collect money to support their activities. Please note that agreements must be made via the SA and not individual clubs as they are not legal entities. Treasurers must contact the SA treasurer and SA Sponsorship officer.

Read more about Sponsorship

Small Projects Fund

Reserved for a small number of projects, this is a chance for new clubs or for new ideas to take shape. The SPF allows you to apply for up to £1000 to fund an idea of yours that will leave a positive impact on the LBS community.


Special Projects Fund 

For special projects there are also other funds available that can be agreed by talking to the Student-led Initiatives Team. Examples of such projects might be:

  • Social Impact Projects
  • Competitions    
  • Treks with a recruitment element    

Read more on the SA Pages