LBS Student Association
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Club Treasurers
1. Overview
1.1 Club Elections
1.2 Governance
1.3 Club Finances
1.4 Where is the club money?
1.5 As club treasurer, what is my role?
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2. Finance code
2. What is a finance code?
2.1 How do I request a Finance Code?
2.1.1 How many codes should my club have?
2.2 How do I link my event to a Finance Code?
2.2.1 Do I have to link every finance code to an event?
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3. Generating and managing income
3. How does my club generate income?
3.1 Ticket Sales
3.2 Sponsorship
3.3 The Student Association Coin Vote
3.4 Declaring a bank transfer
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4. Paying Expenses & Student Reimbursements
4.1 Pay Suppliers
4.1.1 Paying suppliers in who only accept cash (Intermediary Payments)
4.1.2 Supplier payments due the day of consumption (Pilot)
4.2 Pay Internal Catering
4.3 Reimbursing Students
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5. VAT & Taxes
5.1 Will I be charged VAT? (Revenues)
5.2 Is my sponsor obligated to pay VAT on top of their sponsorship amount?
5.3 Will I be able to claim-back VAT on my expenses?
5. Introduction to VAT within the Student Association
6. Reviewing monthly financials
6. Financial Statements
6.1 Understanding Transaction Reports
6.2 End-of-Year Review
Club Treasurer FAQ
Can I use EventBrite for ticketing?
What are the SA bank account details?
What should I know before having an event?
Can sponsors pay for sponsorships with credit cards?
Club Donations to Charities
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