Your monthly balance is calculated by taking your balance from the prior period and adding in all transactions your club incurred in that period.
A list of the transaction considered can be found in the transactions sheet.
Some things to note are:
- The SA Financial year starts in August and ends in July, therefore our financial periods are structured such that 2019/001 is the first month of the SA financial year which ends during 2019
- This means 2019/001 refers to August 2018
- Balances are calculated by adding all recognized transactions your club incurred in a given period to the end balance of the prior period
- While some of your supplier payments have been paid, they may not show up here until they are recognized (Eg. Hotel stays are only recognized after the stay and not at the point of payment)
- Often payments like these are for Pro-forma invoices
- It is for this reason that we recommend club treasurers maintain their own internal club statements which should be cross checked against the monthly financials on the Club Treasury Portal every month
If you have any queries please address these to Please do not reach out to individuals either in SA Finance or LBS Accounts unless requested so by them.