Scenario: We are organizing a trek to a country which is predominantly cash based

All revenues must be received into the LBS Student Association bank account. There are no exceptions to this policy.

In the case you have a supplier who only accepts cash based payments we ask that you assign one of the trek leaders to act as an Intermediary.

This means that we will issue a payment from the LBS Student Association to their bank account and they in turn will be responsible for making the payment to the supplier.


  1. Go to the supplier Payment form (available on the SA Club Treasurer Portal homepage)
  2. Select Intermediary Supplier Payment Type
  3. Complete the form as usual, using the intermediary's bank information
  4. Upload the invoice and a signed letter, identifying the Intermediary, detailing what he is paying for (amount and description) and including his contact information and bank details. (This individual must be an LBS Student, please provide his LBS email address)

If you have any queries please address these to